
Jobs Cabinet

  • Jobs Cabinet
  • Jobs Cabinet
  • Jobs Cabinet
Vorgestellt:Orgatec 2014, Köln
Kategorien: Büro- / Objektmöbel › Aufbewahrung › Einzelschränke

Jobs is a collection of management office furniture: desks, conference and meeting tables and furniture units. The structure of the Jobs Low Cabinets is made of medium-density wood fibre with a Lead Oak or Tobacco Oak veneer and a polished finish; the top features a matte finish. The base, in lead-painted brushed steel, has adjustable feet and a connecting cross-section that is painted black with a texturized, non-scratch finish. The back of the Cabinet is equipped with a folding door that offers access to a small interior compartment. This compartment allows cables, which come up from the floor and reach the top of the desk, to come out through the slot that runs along the entire length of the top. The Low Cabinet is available in two lengths, 230 cm and 284 cm, both available in two variation of equipment for drawers and compartment doors.

Alle Jobs Produkte

Poltrona Frau, Italien

Rodolfo Dordoni