
Floating Candles Wandleuchte

  • Floating Candles Wandleuchte
  • Floating Candles Wandleuchte
  • Floating Candles Wandleuchte
  • Floating Candles Wandleuchte
  • Floating Candles Wandleuchte
  • Floating Candles Wandleuchte
  • Floating Candles Wandleuchte
  • Floating Candles Wandleuchte
Vorgestellt:Euroluce 2011, Mailand
Kategorien: Innenleuchten › Aufbauleuchten › Wandaufbauleuchten

Squeeze your eyes and look through your lashes: the
Floating Candles seem to embrace in a silent magical dance. There is no beginning and no end, just space defining the shape and rhythm.

A unique innovation of a new ‘non-fixture’ system paved t

he way for the Floating Candles. This technical break-through enabled the creation of an almost minimalist visual experience with a highly romanti c impact. This new creation is one of the most modular pieces in the Brand van Egmond collection: the candle

s combine in pairs of three, or grouped together to form an exuberant spectacle, with or without crystal ‘dew drops’.

Allow the magic to catch you: listen to the whisper in the air...

Alle Floating Candles Produkte

Brand van Egmond, Niederlande

William Brand

Annet van Egmond