Komplot Design
Komplot Design
We Believe that design is an intermediate body - a link that appears into existence in the tension of no mans land: Tension between art and engineering, between manufacturer and consumer/user, between different cultures, between tradition and innovation, rationality and intuition, logic and emotion ...As with the wirewalker, who demands a high tension of wire to keep a balance, the high tension between these polar contradictions is the condition of designs successful performance.
Komplot Design’s multidisciplinary activities within product, furniture and graphic design, from tractor to office furniture systems and to brochures and corporate identity programmes, are not only giving the complexity of design approach, but also positioning our design into the “electric” field of intense exchange of experience and attitudes of different branches.
Besides this, our activities within different countries and cultures are giving an additional bredth of experience and intensity. Our design is very personal, influenced by our different back-grounds, cultures, different education and professional experiences. It gives us possibilities to access the problem from several sides at the same time.
We believe that good design is not just a solution of the primary so called pure functional problems, but creation of the message, that fills objects and concepts with cultural, philosophic, aesthetic and poetic content...