
Preben Fabricius


Produkte von Preben Fabricius

Preben Fabri­cius trained as a cab­i­net maker under mas­ter joiner Niels Vod­der, before he went on to study at the School for Inte­rior Design from which he grad­u­ated in 1957. After com­plet­ing his stud­ies, Preben Fabri­cius started work­ing for archi­tect Ole Hagen where he was soon reunited with his for­mer fel­low stu­dent, Jør­gen Kastholm. The two young design­ers had sim­i­lar ideals when it came to design aes­thet­ics and crafts­man­ship, and the deci­sion to start their own stu­dio in 1961 seemed like a nat­ural step. For about ten years, the two young design­ers had an enor­mously pro­duc­tive part­ner­ship, cre­at­ing an impres­sive amount of time­less, func­tional and always uncom­pro­mis­ingly ele­gant designs and receiv­ing sev­eral awards for their work. While Jør­gen Kastholm had always been the more out­go­ing and openly ambi­tious of the two, Preben Fabri­cius was very much the tire­lessly hard-working, thought­ful type who would spend hours metic­u­lously per­fect­ing each detail and per­haps this dif­fer­ence in char­ac­ter was part of the rea­son why their part­ner­ship even­tu­ally ended. After Jør­gen Kastholm’s move to Ger­many, Preben Fabri­cius worked on sev­eral res­i­den­tial projects and designed fur­ni­ture for man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Skalma in Den­mark and Wal­ter Knoll in Ger­many. He also taught at the School for Inte­rior Design where he him­self had been a student.