

via Caratti, 34
25038 Rovato BS

T: +39 0307700044
F: +39 0307700044

Produkte von Studiocharlie

Studiocharlie works in product design, graphics, type design and video.

The objects designed by Studiocharlie have a strong graphic aspect, they are images in space.
Our outlook on design is a way of proceding that is independent from the

field in which it will be applied to. One can draw on a sheet of paper using lines and colours. In the same way, one can draw on a sheet of steel using laser rays and folds, or on material using threads and weaving patterns. These are drawings using matt

er, lines that define volumes. Knowledge and choice of instruments and materials is paramount from the start. Fidelity to the original idea is necessary to restore the same emotion in the actual object: this means attending to every detail, to have a cohe

rent and complete result. Material, shape, proportion, equilibrium are elements that are interconnected. That's how thought turned into object maintains the purity and simplicity of the creative impulse. They are images that materialise so as to be shared


Studiocharlie works in the fields of visual communication, creating graphics, designing trademarks and logotypes, coordinate images and typefaces (for ex. Superbastone or Csuni, which received a special commendation for the 20th edition of th

e Compasso d'Oro ADI Prize).

Studiocharlie also produces short films, video installations and commercial or musical videos. We take part in the making of feature films ("DODO animale inetto al" that won the Brasilian PROG:ME award, du

ring Rio De Janeiro's first festival of electronic media, July 2005).

Three people founded Studiocharlie in 2002, and work on the development of all the team's projects: Gabriele Rigamonti, Carla Scorda, Vittorio Turla.