
Enric Batlle


Manel Florentin Perez, 15
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat Barcelona

T: 93 457 98 84
F: 93 459 12 24


ENRIC BATLLE I DURANY lectures at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) since 1982. He is coordinator and teacher of the UPC Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture, and teacher at the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning at the Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV-UPC), where he coordinates the school’s Architecture & Projects Workshop IV, landscape & environment themed.

Over the years, he has been involved in numerous courses at the same university and at other institutions, such as the Barcelona School of Agriculture or the School of Architecture of Navarra University. He studied at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC), gaining his degree in architecture in 1980 and later in 2002, becoming Doctor of Architecture with the doctoral thesis “The Garden of the Metropolis. From Romantic Landscape to Open Space for a Sustainable City ”, from Polytechnic University of Catalonia's (UPC) Urbanism and Territorial Planning Department. He received the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize from the UPC's Doctorate Commission, and was also awarded the Lluís Domènech i Montaner Prize for Architecture Theory and Criticism for his thesis work. It has been published in 2012 by the same name, and being awarded the FAD Theory & Review 2012 Prize.