
Hanspeter Steiger

Weineggstrasse 42
CH-8008 Zürich

T: +41 (0)43 499 00 44
F: +41 (0)43 499 04 44

Products by Hanspeter Steiger

Philosophy and Process

The beginning of the design process involves my discussing the finer points of the project with my client as well as considering the needs of the end client. I develop initial ideas, reject them again, then think later

ally and outside of the box!

My philosophy stems from the results of this analytical thinking. I outline, shape and explain my ideas, and don’t allow potential difficulties to restrict me. I try to unite tradition with innovation as well

as couple conventional techniques and thinking methods with the latest technologies and visions. I consider both the old and the new, weigh up and pursue rational approaches.

I produce the first designs as a model on a scale of 1:1. During thi

s phase, I check and select material and resources carefully, smelling wood, bending metal and testing innovative materials. I love the challenges of working with different materials and always show meticulousness in my work. I set about searching, playin

g, discovering, and trying to make the impossible possible.

As a furniture maker, I feel a responsibility to ensure my products do not adversely affect the environment with any unnecessary energy and material consumption. I compare the implemen

tation possibilities, narrow them down and consider the relevant elements involved.

A good product should have charisma. In my opinion high quality design is characterised by the fact that it appeals to the different senses, transcending the vi

sual impression. My functional furniture aims to reach new depths.
Curriculum Vitae

1970 Born March 13.
1977- 1986 Compulsory schooling in Muri, Switzerland 1986- 1990 Apprenticeship as furniture maker
1990- 1991 Practic

al placement in an architect’s office
1991- 1993 Employment as furniture maker
1993- 1994 Language studies in France and Mexico
1994- 1996 Höhere Schule für Gestaltung [School of Design] in Basel, Switzerland, Institute for

Interior and Furniture Design
1996- 1997 National College of Art and Design Oslo, Norway, Institute for Interior and Furniture Design
1997- 2000 Danish Design School Copenhagen, Denmark, Institute for Interior and Furniture Design, Diploma

r />2001- Established Hanspeter Steiger Designstudio in Zurich
2002- 2004 Collaboration with Pia Schmid architectural office, Zurich
2004- Collaboration with Iria Degen Interiors, Zurich
2004- 2006 Guest lecturer at Carpenter-Formation-Cen

ter VSSM, Bürgenstock
2007- Guest lecturer at Berufsschule Lenzburg