
Item Diseño

Products by Item Diseño

Ana Roquero & Javier Cuñado (Bilbao) have been managing for 18 years the professional team at ITEM Design. Their main projects are: The homologation by the Technical Collaboration of the German Goverment to carry out consulting projects on design in devel

oping countries, such as Philipines and Salvador. They won the Design of the Corporative Image and Urban Furniture of the Bibao's Tram. They have collaborated with 'FAGOR Electrodomésticos' in projects for Casa Barcelona. They have designed for Abengoa Gr

oup the control and ticketing system for Bilbao, Madrid and Tianjing(China) undergrounds. Collaboration in the project of the new Euskotren premises and Durango railwaystation. Furniture Design for Contract in the Cultural Center of CASA Encendida (Madrid

). Nowadays, their jobs focus on a global strategy scenary: product design, developing engineary, graphic design and communication, interior design and architectural design, events and multimedia.