
JBA Design


T: 0046 70 43 979


Jantze Brogård Asshoff is Moa Jantze, Hanna Brogård and Johanna Asshoff, a young Swedish design team located in Stockholm. They met while undertaking a Bachelors degree in furniture Design and together strive to beautify and simplify their surroundings an

d improve everyday life. JBA Design create sophisticated, useful products with a poetic soul and playful character. With personal backgrounds from different parts of Sweden the sources for inspiration are numerous. JBA Design mixes modern with traditional

, folklore with decadent luxury and regional Swedish handicraft with industrial production.

Clients include IKEA, Lampister, Moelven Eurowand AB, Lintex Nordic Group, GROK LEDS-C4, Olby Design. JBA Design has also won numerous awards, including the Ung

06/07, Young Swedish Design 2005, Ritar du årets trästol? 2005 And the Swedish style Award 2005.