Klaus Vogt
Klaus Vogt
1954-58 Marine design apprenticeship, Meilen, Canton of Zurich (Upper Lake of Zurich)1958-62 Further Education, Specialised Classes for Interior Design, Kunstgewerbeschule (College of Applied Arts) ZurichTeachers included Hans Fischli and
Willi Guhl1960 Practical training at Grosman Architecten, Rotterdam, The Netherlands1962-1966 Assistant in the Dolf Schnebli Design Studios (Agno, Canton of Ticino and Wahlen, Canton of Aargau Switzerland)1966-70 Assistant to Prof. B
ernhard Hoesli, Department of Architecture, ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich or Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, ZurichFrom 1968 independent Architect’s Design Office, based in Scherz, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland
>1971-74 Assistant to Prof. Dolf Schnebli, Department of Architecture, ETH, Zurich Since 1973 member of the SIA (Swiss Engineers’ and Designers’ Federation or Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein)Since 1974 Lecturer i
n Analysis, Design and Construction at the Department of Architecture of the Twin Basle Cantons’ Polytechnic University, (Fachhochschule beider Basel) SwitzerlandSince 1979 Member of the BSA (Swiss Architects’ Federation or Bund Schweiz
er Architekten)1981-83 Guest Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, ETH, Zurich1979,1993 and 1995 Lecturer, Interior Design at the Zurich Design School (Schule für Gestaltung) Zurich1963: marries Rasmarie Vogt-Rippmann, arti
st3 boys: Basil, Kornel and JoachimShared architectural practice with Benno Fosco and Jacqueline Fosco-OppenheimMajor furniture designs:1963 Sheet metal and moulded wood furniture for the Ginnasio Locarno, Canton of Ticino, Sw
itzerland (together with Dolf Schnebli Architekten)1964 "Squadra Cabinets": cabinets equipped with a small door sawn out of the front, manufacturer Marghitola Lucerne, Switzerland 1968. Roll-down front cabinets, manufacturer Kurt Thut AG
Möriken, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland1970-78 various items of furniture for De Sede Klingnau, including the “Orcanic" infinite sofa design (together withUeli Berger, Heinz Ulrich and Eieanara Riva)1996 Sliding cupboa
rds for PASTOE Utrecht, The Netherlands1997 "Wellenschrank" (Wave cabinet) for Wohnart Schaffhausen, Switzerland1998 Assymmetrical solid wooden chair1982-1985 Builds high seas yacht in Wasterkingen, Canton of Zurich (togethe
r with Prof. Walter Stamm)Major Buildings:1969 "Rüchlig" private house, Scherz, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland1970 Hirs private house in Mettmenstetten, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland1980 “Bünten”
small apartment building in Riehen, Canton of the City of Basle (together with Michael Alder Architekten.)Together with Benno and Jacqueline Fosco-Oppenheim designed the following buildings:1974-76 "Auf dem Höli" small apart
ment building in Scherz1981 "Hofstatt" private house in Kappel, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland1982 Altenburg Gymnasium in Wettingen, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland1983 Hüsler private house on the Kienastenwiesweg in Zu
rich-Witikon, Canton of Zurich1984 "REZ” private house on the Hardeggstrasse, Zurich1987-1998 Institutional buildings for the ETH, Zurich on the Clausiusstrasse, Zurich1990-1993 Industrial buildings “Gewerbering Wohle
n” in Canton of Aargau, Switzerland 1994-1998 Rüti Railway Station, Canton of Zurich1993-1996 "SBW" apartment extension on the Bäuli/Grossmannstrasse, Zurich1996-1998 Office and Utility Building for the Zuric
h Zoological Gardens