Nathalie Nebout
Nathalie Nebout
Nathalie Nebout is a young designer. She has just finished her Masters in product and furniture design at the ESAD of Reims/France. At the same time she studied Interior Architecture at La Cambre in Brussels.
She loves th
e touch of different materials and prefers working with her hands to create 3Dmodels rather then working on the computer, but maybe that will change one day! She currently lives in New Zealand and there hopes to discover new philosophies and ways of work
ing. Thorsten left his business card on her stand at the furniture fair in Cologne where she exhibited her trestles (she was out having a sandwich at the time). A few months later she was in London for an internship and met Thorsten then. ‘And now he
send me a picture of my trestle shown in New York, is it not magic? He is fabulous this Thorsten! Thanks.’