
Ximo Roca

Calle Principal, 54
46026 Valencia

T: +34 (0)96 39 624 23
F: +34 (0)96 39 640 21


Ximo Roca, Valencia, 1958. Part of ADCV and member of BEDA. Worked as a teacher in "Escuela de Diseño de la Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU". In March of 1989 creates its own design studio, Ximo Roca Diseño. From there, they develop global design service

s; management, product design, graphic and interior design used in ephemeral architecture. Most of the design have been sold internationally and have taken part of a great number of exhibitions in the most important museums all over the world. In March 20

07 he is awarded the Certificado de Registro de Empresa and "Environmental Management" besides the right to use the AENOR stamp from these certificates, which shows the conformity of its Management System with the UNE - EN ISO 9001:2000 y UNE - EN ISO 140

01:2004 norms.
Some of his works have been selected for the Design cDIM awards. Three consecutive years nominated for the National Design award. He received Valencia Awards to Industrial Design Innovation in 1987, 1989 and 1993 and FIM awards to interi

or design in 2001 and 2003. He was also awarded the Corian prize from Dupont Ibérica in 2006.