Products by KVETNA 1794


KVETNA 1794 srl

Via Saint Vincent 9
00135 Roma

T: +39 06 99702618
F: +39 06 97255291

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Seldom at the vanguard of change, the typical Boehemian crystal tradition is experiencing with Května a landscape shift, from classical to cutting-edge, thanks to a steady influx of a very famous international designers that incl

ude, among the others, Arik Levy and Jean Marie Massaud. The most important world design exhibitions international juries, evaluated Května design products according to criteria such as degree of innovation, functionality and the formal quality, rewarding

a new generation of Května crystal glass collections with very prestigious prizes and awards. In 2006 and 2008 Května has been awarded in Frankfurt of Ambiente DESIGN PLUS, one of the most world important design award. Always in Května, recognized as one

of the icons of the mouth blown crystal of Czech Republic, production skill is combined with research on crystal to get the best, updating and preserving the original natural material sheen. Tradition of more than two hundred years made by experience of

the skillful hands of the master mouth blowers who chisel, cut, grind, engrave, carve ,mouth blow, forge the crystal glass. An entire Czechsmall town, since more than two hundred years, live and work in the name of transparency. In a winning mix made by

codes of the past and design innovation, projectual pragmatism and dreamlike tones, business and poetry, has been so deeply renewed the usual shapes of crystal glass. The formal singularity, the transparency and the high value of handcraftsmanship are th

e distinctive features that make each product Května an unique piece, a small luxury masterpiece that each of us everyday can afford.


The History and the tradition of Května Glasswork covers more than two centuries and is on

e of the oldest glasswork today in activity in Czech Republic. Alois the Prince of Lichtenstein, established the glasswork in 1794. The area was chosen in the center of beech forests and high-quality sand glass deposits near Uhersky Ostroh. The glass-work

s, equipped with two melting furnaces began operating in the middle of 1795. From the middle of the 19th century, the factory was bought by family firm Zahn & Co.In 1880, the Zahns, coming originally form the Netherlands, set up a glass-shop in a Bohemian

village Chřibská that was later moved to Vienna. Května today with more than two hundred employees, can be considered not only one of the most ancient but also one of the largest manufacturers of mouth blown crystal glass of Czech Republic



The mouth-blown crystal, symbol of luxury and elegance, has been the focus of the manufacturing activities of Moravske Sklárny Května since its foundation, in 1794. From such long history of more than two hundred years originates an unmis

takable style, as a result of the huge experience in handcraftsmanship and art of decoration. Even in the most modern design collections of Května, the ability and memory of our master blowers, blend harmoniously together, to ensure function and emotion.

The design of Května, in fact, not only expresses aesthetic quality but increases the quality of the most common objects in everyday life. The desire of originality and innovation, that always distinguished the creations of Května, led to search between

the international designers of those recognized talents that express the best in terms of daily luxury for mouth blown crystal objects. The so realized collections offer, in their apparent simplicity, infinite capacity of expression where the formal puri

ty and the essentiality of the lines are combined with details of strong character who refers to the sphere of emotions. This constant creative metamorphosis of Května is, day by day, always more oriented towards targeted choices of design philosophy, abl

e to expand its range of action to a market everyday more aware and informed.

Collections by KVETNA 1794