
FAS Pendezza: Crystal by Basaglia + Rota Nodari

A pure glass gaming table that transforms effortlessly into a minimalist dining table.


FAS Pendezza presents the new 'Crystal' line, the company's first product made entirely of glass, from Bergamo, Italy. Designed by Basaglia + Rota Nodari, who are also the brand's art directors.

FAS Pendezza aims to craft premium gaming tables using the finest materials from Bergamo tradition. The 'Crystal' line combines simple elegance and contemporary style with durability and functionality. Its versatility allows effortless transformation from a gaming table to a minimalist dining table.

'Crystal' is a pure glass ping pong table available in White, Black, or Transparent. Its base features assembled glass layers that create a unique interplay of reflected light. Removing the game net transforms Crystal into a sleek dining or meeting table.

Originated from a press release.
B FAS Pendezza CRYSTAL setting 0803B FAS Pendezza CRYSTAL setting 0676B FAS Pendezza CRYSTAL setting 0992
B 02 FAS Pendezza CRYSTAL setting 0849B FAS Pendezza CRYSTAL setting 0822