It’s like cleaning your teeth,” is how Erik Olovsson describes his practice of daily meditation, something his parents, who are both teachers of meditation, taught him. As child, they often took him along with them on their many travels, so it is hardly surprising that his Master’s thesis entitled “Erik’s Designbuss” is based on the idea of a vagabonding life. From 2012 to 2013, happily ensconced in a mobile home, he visited over 40 different places in Sweden and on site designed logos or business cards. Today, Olovsson has put down stronger roots. After three years as Art Director at the Acne Collective agency, Olovsson has set up freelance shop as a designer in Stockholm. His creations reveal that he has remained at heart a graphic designer. Be it the “Room” shelves, the “Sine” wardrobe or the “Kub” candlestick, they all have a feel of 3D comics about them.