„Pasha“ von Konstantin Grcic für SCP

Die Idee hatte er schon Anfang der Neunziger, nun ist sie Sofa geworden.
One thing we know about Konstantin Grcic is that he does not really like sofas. His personal preference is for sitting upright on a hard, firm seat. So it’s all the more surprising that he is presenting a (not entirely new) settee, which favors a reclining position: for British manufacturer SCP (for whom he has already created Mono Tables, Tom Tom & Tam Tam). It is inspired by a design from the early 1990s, but which back then did not go beyond the prototype stage.
“Pasha” combines a solid-looking, concave body with horizontally-stitched cushioning that is draped over the base almost as casually as the towels of possessive German holidaymakers on pool loungers. Grcic’s “Pasha” cleverly combines austerity and casualness. (tw)