+++ NEWSTICKER #208 | 2011 +++
Nov 8, 2011

+++ NEWSTICKER ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+++ 08/11/2011 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Opportunity Green

The fifth Opportunity Green Business Conference from November 10-11, 2011 at the Center Studios in Los Angeles will function as a platform for entrepreneurs and designers alike. It will be made up of lectures and workshops that explore the trends and innovations in green sectors of business and promote a interdisciplinary exchange of information and opinions.



Sustainability in the design process

Nowadays, sustainability is a frequently proclaimed criterion in architecture and design. But what aspects of sustainability really impact on design? The specialist convention on "Integrating sustainability into the design process" will go into these issues in depth – on November 15 at Haus der Architektur in Stuttgart.




Erstmalig in Wien bietet die Projektbörse „Experimentdays" die Gelegenheit für einen gegenseitigen Austausch über selbstinitiierte Wohnprojekte und Baugemeinschaften. Die Veranstaltung geht vom 18. bis 20. November und findet im Museum 21er Haus und in den Räumen der Interessengemeinschaft Architektur in Wien statt.



Reflections on the European city

What influence have European notions of urbanity had to this day on urban development worldwide? This is the question that will be discussed in the lecture series entitled "Reflections on the European City". On November 23, architect Jan Kleiheus will be speaking at Potsdam University of the Applied Sciences on Libya's capital, Tripolis.



Design Miami

The Design Miami fair sees itself as a forum for collectors' items of historical and contemporary design. At the same time, it offers an accompanying program of discussions, performances and curated exhibitions covering the interface of design, architecture, art and fashion. The trade fair will run from November 30 to December 4 and will take place at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach.
