Der Salone del Mobile, samt der EuroCucina und dem Salone Internazionale del Bagno wird die Tore vom 12. bis 17. April öffnen. Daneben sind zahlreiche Events in der Stadt einen Besuch wert. Welche Aussteller wo zu finden sind, zeigt Ihnen unsere Liste ausgewählter Hersteller.
This year, the 55th edition of Salone del Mobile will hold from April 12-17 at Milan’s trade-fair grounds in Rho. With upwards of 1,300 exhibitors across a total of more than 150,000 square meters of exhibition space exceeding the Salone is set to attract some 300,000 visitors from over 160 different countries.
The Salone del Mobile along with the Salone Satellite (Halls 13 and 15) is being accompanied this year by the Euro Cucina along with the special support event, the “FTK - Technology For the Kitchen” (in Halls 9-11 and 13-15) as well as the Salone Internazionale del Bagno (in Halls 22-24). The Salone is open from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on all days.
Salone Internazionale del Mobile
Salone Internazionale del Bagno
April 12–17, 2016
Milan, Rho trade fair grounds
Milan, April 12–17, 2016