Glass is glass is glass is glass is glass. Or isn’t it?
Or it certainly doesn’t look like it in this case. Because Oki Sato, the star of Japanese studio Nendo, has come up with something truly ingenious for Glas Italia: He presents glass furniture that at least visually speaking looks nothing like what it is. “Brushstroke” is the name of an eight-part collection that includes side tables, a console table and a dining table, as well as a bench. The color is applied to the glass such as to achieve a Moiré effect. And that has a bit of a sense of marble about it. Meaning “Brushstroke” becomes a playful world of illusion – with a single stroke, at that.

Glas Italia
Pavillion 16, C23, D18
Salone Internazionale del Mobile
April 8 through 13, 2014
Milan, Trade fair grounds, Rho
Works by Nendo
Nendo’s Solo Exhibition
Via delle Erbe, 2 - Brera Viertel
FuoriSalone Glas Italia
Flagship Store Glas Italia @Gorlini
Via Santa Sofia, 27
10 am – 9 pmr