Stylepark Selected Award 2023
Via Gradisca 1
Pasiano di Pordenone
T: +39 0434 19 79 100
Born in Gemona del Friuli (Udine - Italy) in 1953. In 1974 he qualified as technician at Istituto Marinoni in Udine and started to work as projective and home furnishing sales manager in the family company in Gemona. From 1979 to 1984 he projected single pieces of furniture that have become part of the Cumini mass manufacturing process since 1985 as well as of the one in Horm since 1989. 1993 he chose to project some elements for the "stone garden" at "Il Laboratorio del Marmo" in the outdoor furnishing sector. 1995 he decided to open Emporio Casa Cumini in Udine and started to collaborate with Alberto Freschi, company manager in Conegliano, and with Carlo Bancolini, craftsmanship expert in Marrakech.