Given the size of his project portfolio it’s hard to imagine that Alexander Rehn loves “doing nothing”. An interior design graduate, he has already created a number of seats and shelves that have convinced not only the trade press but also manufacturers. And to top it all he teaches as an assistant at the Munich Academy of Applied Arts. Rehn often opts for polygonal surfaces in his work, combining them with an almost joyful sense of pragmatism. This is most striking in “Cay”, a sofa with a 3D-mosaic structure that adapts to the user’s posture. And when he is not busy designing, he’s to be found at the “Burning Man” festival in the Nevada desert, where back in 2012 he used cable ties to erect the cocoon world “The Third Space”, outcome of a cooperation between Rehn, Swissnex San Francisco, Greutmann Bolzern Designstudio and 52 students, on sand.
Alexander Rehn

Where would you like to live?
At the moment I feel quite good in Munich. But I already lived in other cities like Zurich. The quality of cities with a lake is unbeatable. I could imagine to live elsewhere in wintertime, for example in Miami.
Your favorite character in the history of design?
Designer like Charles and Ray Eames, George Nelson and Co. impress me, of course. Most of all I admire architect and designer John Lautner. His houses refer strong to the environment and he created furnitures that fits to this houses perfectly. You can see this in a wonderful way at his “Goldstein Residence” in Los Angeles.
Which qualities do you admire in a designer?
That I am challenged all the time. That no project is like another. That you have to observe and analyze your environment, to understand how people live.
What do you enjoy doing most?
Design is no nine-to-five-job, therefore I am constantly thinking and searching for new ideas. That I love to do most. In my spare-time I like to meet my family and friends – and I also enjoy to do nothing.
Your main personality trait?
Your biggest mistake?
Your idea of happiness?
I have a rough idea how happiness feels like, but more important is to live and see the moment. And for the moment I am happy: I am doing this, what I love and I manage to live from it.
What do you find really annoying?
Your favorite material?
I am a fan of wood.
Your favorite flower?
White orchid.
What kind of music do you listen to when you work?
Most of the time electro music and deep house.
Which design achievement do you most detest?
Which talent would you like to have?
Can you describe your present state of mind?
Right now I am in an exciting time, because I have some many projects and this feels good.
Your motto?
“If you can dream, you can do it” by Walt Disney.