
Progressive Climate Protection

“Reduce, reuse, recycle” – for flooring manufacturer Bolon, this is more than just a catchy slogan, it is a claim, and one that is to be taken seriously. Indeed, it is the company’s objective that by 2028 50 percent of all Bolon flooring will be part of a circular economy.
by Anna Moldenhauer | 5/24/2022

It was in 1949 that Bolon launched its first product – a rag rug made of textile waste. Thus, from the very outset, climate protection through the reuse of materials was part of this Swedish family business’ vision. Today, Bolon collaborates with international creatives such as Patricia Urquiola and Jean Nouvel to produce its woven designer flooring. The aim is for all the company’s floorings to be 50 percent recyclable by 2028 – climate-neutral products made of vinyl that will be capable of being transformed into new resources at the end of their service life. A holistic approach is called for in order to reduce our ecological footprint and accordingly the company’s factory in Ulricehamn already operates entirely on renewable energy. It also has its own recycling plant and a comprehensive range of different return and recycling programs for its customers is already at the planning stage. Furthermore, the company’s specially produced softening agent is based entirely on renewable vegetable raw materials.

“Our attitude to climate protection takes the entire value chain into consideration,” explains Hakan Nordin, Head of Sustainability at Bolon. As one of the cofounders of Greenpeace Sweden, the biochemist has been committed to sustainable action for 40 years now. “We have undertaken to be a forward-looking enterprise in the fight against climate change and to produce more circular products,” he states. Vinyl as a material and sustainability are not contradictions in terms in this instance, because only a small amount of materials and energy are used per square meter. Moreover, the flooring can be used for a long time and is recyclable.

”Our attitude to climate protection takes the entire value chain into consideration“

Hakan Nordin, Head of Sustainability bei Bolon

In der Recyclingbilanz von Bolon für das Jahr 2022 zeigt sich, dass Bolon im Jahr 2021 bereits 980 Tonnen recycelte Materialien verarbeitet hat, 300 Tonnen mehr als im Vorjahr. Welche Farben oder welches Design die KundInnen für ihre Böden auswählen, macht dabei keinen Unterschied. Darüber hinaus konnte für die Produktion der Akustikböden die Verwendung von Post-Consumer-Abfällen eingeführt werden. Insgesamt zwölf Prozent des Produkts stammt aus gebrauchten PET-Flaschen. Wie genau der Recyclingprozess funktioniert, hat Bolon in einem Film festgehalten: Der industrielle Abfall wird gesammelt, geschreddert, gemahlen und für die Produktion neuer Böden verwendet. "Für mich ist Kunststoff bei verantwortungsvoller Nutzung ein Teil der Lösung für weniger Klimabelastung", so Nordin. Der nächste Schritt für Bolon ist die Menge an recyceltem Material weiter zu erhöhen und die Klimabelastung pro Quadratmeter zu verringern. "Angetrieben von dem Innovationsgeist, dem Können und der schieren positiven Einstellung, die Bolon prägen, bin ich gelassen optimistisch, dass wir unser Versprechen halten werden", so Marie Eklund, Geschäftsführerin von Bolon.