Products by Spectrum


spectrum meubelen

Torenallee 20 / 3B
5617 BC Eindhoven

T: 040-401 5514

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Spectrum is known for its distinctive design and its traditional craftsmanship. Since its foundation in 1941 Spectrum connects the work of leading Dutch designers from the 20th century with that of contemporary talent. In the Fifties Martin Visser developed Spectrum’s first contemporary collection. Nowadays many of his designs, plus the work of colleagues he introduced, are still part of the Spectrum collection.

Spectrum combines classics of Dutch masters such as Martin Visser, Gerrit Rietveld, Benno Premsela en Constant Nieuwenhuys, with new designs by the present generation such as Studio Parade, Ruud-Jan Kokke, Chris Slutter, Carolina Wilcke and Aart van Asseldonk.

The Spectrum collection is a combination of comfort and iconic designs with a budding beauty of sobriety and functionality. The use of high quality materials and the extraordinary finishing is visible in each and every design.

Collections by Spectrum