At "Hermès at work" you can follow the work of the craftsmen for the products of Hermès in detail, like the bag maker's.

Attention to detail

Through November 17, 2019 “Hermès at work” in Staatsgalerie Stuttgart provides an opportunity to look over the shoulders of the crafts experts in the Hermès workshops.
by Anna Moldenhauer | 11/8/2019

“Square” is the name of Hermès’ silk scarf. Ever since 1937 it has adorned the necks of numerous well-heeled and well-dressed men and women. At the exhibition “Hermès at work” currently on display in the “Säulensaal” at Staatsgalerie Stuttgart you can witness the delicate fabric being printed by hand: The silk printer for the screen print positions a steel gauze-covered frame on a strip of pure silk twill a total of 13 times. On each occasion a different color is used, from the plain borders of the pattern to the bright parts in deep orange, Hermès’ standard color, for example. As Olivier Fournier, Executive Vice President Hermès International says, “it’s about shaping something living, not something artificial.” Alongside he silk printer, through November 17 in Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart a total of eight crafts experts will be ‘on show’ at their workbenches: From porcelain painter, shoe-stitcher, and bag maker to watchmaker, the French family-run company is showcasing its employees’ great expertise, not to mention the attention to detail with which the high-end handmade products come to be. Alongside direct contact with the craftsmen, one particular highlight of the exhibition is the virtual journey to the Hermès crystal manufacturing plant in Saint-Louis, which you can embark on wearing virtual reality goggles.

The company was founded in 1837 by the Franco-German saddler Thierry Hermès, and its luxurious product ranges now boasts numerous divisions. In addition to an insight into the time-consuming manufacture of the products in the Hermès workshops, there are discussions about craftsmanship, such as “From the idea to the square” with Christine Duvigneau, Director of the cultural heritage of the Hermès Design Studio, and the artist Herni d'Origny. “It’s about discovering craftsmanship together and discussing current challenges, says Olivier Fournier, Executive Vice President Hermès International.

Hermès at work
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Säulensaal
Through November 17, 2019

Opening hours:
Mon.-Fri.: 12 noon – 8 p.m.
Sat.-Sun.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Closed: November 11, 2019
Entrance free

Hermès at work/ Silk printer